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Copy Folders to a list of IP Addresses using Powershell

I created this script to copy a specific directory over the network to a bunch of computers. This is handy if you don’t have a deployment program like Altiris or anything else that can be automated with a click of a button or two.

The script will read a CSV file, which will contain the IP Address of the computer you want to copy the files over to. Optionally, you can have it set permissions to the destination folder if the computer is on (as seen in the script notes) after the copy is done. Afterwards, it will keep looping to the next entry in the list.

This will run in a loop and output information in a text file as a log. Pretty handy to see if it set it correctly or not. I do notice one issue which is that if you have a ton of files in the directory, it will log that in the log file. In the future, I might create separate log files per user folder to lessen the amount of data in the one log file.

This script has been tested on Windows 8.1. Make sure the execution policy for Powershell is set as Unrestricted while running this script and then turning it back on to Restricted.

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Configure Dell BIOS options with Dell Client Command Suite

I recently had an issue with some of the machines at work. Hyper-threading and other settings were not enabled before when our contractors set up the PCs. It was something that was not mentioned to them and unfortunately, I don’t want to go through each machine to enable some of these settings.

I had to look for a solution and luckily there was one!

Dell Client Command Suite is a suite of management applications that work with Dell devices. Specifically, I found and used the Dell Command | Configure application. This allowed me to reconfigure our BIOS via a executable with ease.

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Set Folders as Read Only using Powershell

Awhile back, I had to create a script that set permissions on a folder to Read Only on a Windows Server. Trying this as a batch file was more difficult than with Powershell.

The script will read a CSV file, which will contain the username and folder that you want to set as read only. The child folders will inherit the Read Only permission from the folder it sets as Read Only for that user.

This will run in a loop and output information in a text file as a log. Pretty handy to see if it set it correctly or not. I do notice one issue which is that if you have a ton of files in the directory, it will log that in the log file. In the future, I might create separate log files per user folder to lessen the amount of data in the one log file.

This script has been tested on Server 2008/R2 and Server 2012/R2. Make sure the execution policy for Powershell is set as Unrestricted while running this script and then turning it back on to Restricted.

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OneDrive for Business Executable Checker

I had a request from my wife (who also works in IT) to work on a script to check to see if I can find a way to see if OneDrive for Business is installed on a users profile. So this batch script was born.

This script works when the user clicks on the batch script. The script will search for if the executable is on a users local AppData folder and if it is not there, it will install it from the Program Files directory so the executable gets stored in the AppData folder. It’s a fairly simple script and has been tested in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and I’m sure it should work under Windows 10 as well. Please feel free to use the script if you want!

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